• Shan Fighter

    Description Assalam O Alikum everyone best quality videos of QuranRecitation Dua and Adhkkar In sha Allah. So subscribe and stay tuned with our efforts. The The recitation of the Holy Quran is uploaded dailyon thischannel. This recitation is read in a very beautifulvoice.This recitation is heard a lot in all countries of theworld.The purpose of this recitation is to attract peopleto theHoly Quran. He listens to the recitation of the HolyQuran,Allah is very pleased with it. This recitation of theQuranbrings a lot of peace to the hearts of people. If youarealso fond of listening to the recitation of the Quran,thenyou should subscribe to our channel to receive ourdailyrecitation.


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17 hours ago

Surah Qurish