Fiqah e Akbar Imam e Azam Abu Hanifa r.a
1 year ago
Join us as renowned scholar Molana Ilyas Ghuman delves into the depths of Aqeedah al-Fiqh tul Akbar, a prominent book authored by Imam Abu Hanifa. In this enlightening bayan (lecture), Molana Ilyas Ghuman shares his profound understanding and interpretations of this influential text, exploring the core principles of faith and jurisprudence outlined by Imam Abu Hanifa. Gain valuable insights into the theological and legal aspects of as we embark on a journey of learning, reflection, and spiritual growth. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your knowledge and strengthen your connection with the teachings of Imam Abu Hanifa and the faith. Watch now on! Thanks for watching. #fiqah #aqeedah #abuhanifa #molanailyasghuman