Bambaska Biri Episode 4 (English substitles)
By Maneya 25 views 1 year agoShow Description
Although Irfan is silenced at the last moment, there will be those who cannot remain silent in the face of some atrocities. Leyla, unaware that it is her own father who has put a spoke in her wheel, pursues the date September 7, 1995, to uncover the truth behind the murders. Forced to walk this path with Kenan, Leyla encounters a side of Kenan she has never seen before.
Ekrem is unaware that he is caught on Doğan's radar. As the pressure on him increases, the deeper he gets into, the deeper his involvement will get. When Ekrem expects some empathy from his wife, he is met with cruelty, while Turan is tired of struggling with his own wife's anxiety. Moreover, Turan now has bigger worries than his son going to prison. He will have to protect Kenan not only from the police but also from much more dangerous sides.