Surah Al-Massad (Palm Fiber, Flame): Arabic and English translation.

By Abdulllah 101 views 1 year ago
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Surah Al-Masad is the 111th surah in the Koran which consists of 5 verses. This surah is included in the Makkiyah surah category, which means it was revealed in Mecca at the beginning of the prophet Muhammad's prophetic period (peace be upon him). Surah Al-Masad is so named because it refers to the Arabic word "Masad," which means "fiber of date palm leaves" or "fire," and refers to the fate of Abu Lahab (the Prophet Muhammad's uncle). This Surah condemns Abu Lahab and His wife for their constant disbelief and resistance to the message of . This surah describes them as people who are destined to go to hell and are condemned to burn in hellfire because of their unrelenting hatred towards the Prophet (peace be upon him) and their efforts to hinder the spread of . Surah Al-Masad emphasizes the concept of divine accountability and justice. This Surah warns that anyone who opposes the truth and harms the Prophet will face serious consequences in the afterlife. This surah is also a reminder for believers to recognize and support the truth. Overall, Surah Al-Masad reflects the consequences of resistance to divine truth and serves as a lesson for believers to stand firm in the face of adversity and continue to spread the message of .
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