The Importance of Play and Personal Growth.Your 12 Questions 30 Minutes Podcast guest Richard Bla...

Richard Blank 44 views 2 hours ago 21 followers

That's where you made all your friends and the best relationships are built through play. And why don't we take that away because we are adults? Just because I'm bald and have a white beard doesn't mean I can't enjoy my half an hour with my friends at lunchtime. Let's have a good time. And I've seen people put their phone down and join groups, not go outside for a cigarette, but stay inside to participate. And I think those are the little wins that I can see, one less cigarette and one less screen time and more interpersonal interaction to build on those skills. I can only do so much, Mike. I can't hit the ball and drag Johnny everywhere. But what I can do is to get them to stand tall and to be accountable and to do some dedicated practice outside of the office. So maybe they study words in the thesaurus or watch another movie in English and pull a phrase out of it or ask me a vocabulary word because they found it interesting. I respect that. That's what leaders are made of.
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