Being a Unique Boss with Personal Touch.The Shark Bite Biz Podcast guest Richard Blank, CEO Costa...

Richard Blank 48 views 2 hours ago 23 followers

How do you try to be different, like a different boss? Because everybody tries to be different, I think. But the way you emphasize and the way that came out of your mouth, it sounds like you have something special there that you're trying to say by different boss. Sure. And these are little checkpoints. You need little first downs before touchdowns with people. I can't expect them to sign a contract and devote their life for me. Why don't I ask them to tell me a coming of age moment during an interview? Because you're already qualified and I don't want to see your bells and whistles. I want to see in the moment if David asks you an incredible question to know your depth. Are you capable of expanding and telling a little bit of something about yourself? Especially the time, my friend, when you beat up a bully or saved a kitten.
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