Real-World Experience vs. Academic Learning.The Shark Bite Biz Podcast guest Richard Blank, CEO C...
Richard Blank 78 views 4 hours ago 23 followersYeah, I mean, it's crazy because it felt like a lot. There are some things that I learned, but to be honest, a lot of it I've already passed through in life. Like I remember the one marketing class. In fact, I'm friends with the professor till this day, who's out of Scranton. Yeah. I had to argue with him. Final exam, technically, I flunked. I'm like, dude, I've been doing marketing my whole life. And the way these questions were written, and I went through every single one. And I'm like, no, in the real life, this would not work. Why? Because of this and because of this. yeah, it looks good on paper, but this isn't how the real world works.