Using the Buffer Boomerang Technique.

Richard Blank 62 views 2 hours ago 25 followers

All I know is that I slowed you down, calmed you down, got you out of the trance, said something you were familiar with, the name spike. And then you'll say, who is this? That's when we use a buffer boomerang technique. Adrian, that's an excellent question. My name is Richard Blank. Name drop buffer. Let him know it's an excellent question. Repeat the question so you don't have to repeat it. I got you. And then I send it back to you positive. It's readjusting tones. I'm not going to tell you my company yet. You're going to have to ask me another question. What's the name of your company? Once again, what a beautiful tone you have. We're at a 2 now or at a 3. We're not at a 10 at D. So it's nice motions. And now we're, what, a minute and a half in? Obviously, I got your pass to pitch. Let's say your son answered the phone. I'm going to let you know how charming and nice and a gentleman your son was. Adrienne Barker speaks no prep needed guest Richard Blank Costa Ricas Center.
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