Phonetic Micro-Expression Reading.

Richard Blank 67 views 6 hours ago 25 followers

Well, for me, there's phonetic micro-expression reading. Okay, this is sight on scene. And phonetics is broken down into four sections. You have your tone, rate, pitch, and duration. And let's just for argument's sake, look at 30-second to two-minute intervals as our communication here. Your tone of voice should always be consistent. I believe it always should be confident and empathetic. People talk about mirror imaging technique. Well, I wouldn't match someone's tone of voice if it were negative. So let's just keep it as a doctor, a lawyer, or someone that's a confident parent that you believe in. That's the sort of tone you want to give. It's very reassuring. .DIY for business podcast guest Richard Blank Costa Ricas Center.
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