Coming of Age Moments in Recruitment

Richard Blank 44 views 3 hours ago 25 followers

But somehow crack that code for that rainy Wednesday or that time they needed the picking up. Oh, I have a seat. So when people are filling out our resumes and our forms to get hired, I ask them to turn the piece of paper over so you can give me a couple of paragraphs on the coming of age moment. Coming of age? And I go, of course, the time that you beat up a bully, you saved a kitten, or you did it both in one day. Yeah. It's like an 80s movie. You ride off in the sunset with your girlfriend and you beat up the bully. Yeah. I will see what they write. ACMG Digital Podcast Alejandra Carr. Exclusive Podcast Guest: CEO of the people, Richard Blank joins in the pod! A podcast show about entrepreneurship, motivation, leadership, experiences, life lessons and more. For audiences who love self improvement, authentic conversations and more! ACMG Digital A Digital Media Company for Entrepreneurs. Connecting with Entrepreneurs Globally. “ A Digital Global Platform” July 1, 2024 • 75 mins Successful CEO of Costa Rica’s Center chats about his story and how he was able to learn the many ways to delight and connect with your customers. He shares more about what it takes to be an entrepreneur and the skills you have to acquire! Monday Mindset: Entrepreneurs this one is for you How are your sales calls with your clients? Do you connect with a potential client on a human level? Or do you have a process? Well I had the honor to interview Richard Blank CEO of Costa Rica’s Center A state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company Many times we forget to really listen to what our clients are needing from us, or we disregard our values as a business once the company grows, but in the end, our clients and customers should always receive the best version of the team in any situation. Coming of Age Moments in Recruitment But somehow crack that code for that rainy Wednesday. ACMG Digital Podcast guest Richard Blank Costa Ricas Center.
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