Leadership Authenticity and Strategic Communication

Richard Blank 50 views 15 hours ago 27 followers

Because if I kicked and cried like a baby in front of a hundred people, they'd laugh at me. They wouldn't respect. On the flip side, my friend, I'm also a human being. So I want them to see the passionate, true side of a man that's fighting for this. And so I'm not like what you see in the movies or out of Hollywood. I will sit down and break bread with you. I will play pinball together. And I'll not correct your grammar, but I'll make suggestions to make your rhetoric more diplomatic and strategic. I will power up your vocabulary, replace words like help and use assistant guide and LinkedIn and say for my clarification compared to, excuse me, we can, Tara, we can readjust tones. And so by doing so, these individuals will be able to have that much more balance in their work. Amplifying Leadership Podcast by Tara Lehman. Twin Life Coaching & Business Services guest Richard Blank Our Amplifying Leadership podcast is where we talk about all the ways to make leadership great through our guest stories, tips, information, wins and challenges too! We will discuss all aspects of leadership and how to build great leaders or leaders-to-be. From communication, authenticity, growth, learning from mistakes, to understanding our different points of view, this podcast will broaden your horizons and allow you to hear from other leaders who you just may resonate with too. Enjoy! In this episode, Richard Blank a speaker, trainer, CEO of Costa Rica’s Centre, and I talk about many communication topics from conflict management, to the art of speech, empathy, and much more! Enjoy! Richard Blank appeared in an episode of the Amplifying Leadership podcast titled "From Cubical to Leadership". The podcast covers topics such as: Communication, Change management, Building teams and employees, and Professional development. Expectations and Disappointments I get disappointed more than I do angry. Amplifying Leadership guest Richard Blank Costa Ricas Center.
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