Fortune Favors the Brave

Richard Blank 46 views 14 hours ago 27 followers

A lot of people are under pressures and their opinions are provided. It depends if you want to be a dreamer and take that chance. That's my last bit of advice. Fortune favors the brave. Be bold. Drink life. As long as you have good intentions and good faith, then by all means, I think you should try. The Conversations with Achievers Podcast. Being bold in business while living in Costa Rica. Episode 20 The Conversations With Achievers podcast encourages entrepreneurs to share not only their expertise, but their stories and their hearts. We cover a wide range of topics – From how you created the winning game of your life to how you got to where you are now.CEO and Conversations With Achievers podcast host Robert White pioneered personal transformational growth in the U.S.A and Asia. He is a Speaker, Trainer, Author, and Consultant. A college dropout who went on to found and lead two high-impact experiential learning companies with over one million graduates. We believe that every person has a unique message which can positively impact the world. We let our guests share on the subjects they’re well-known for. No matter the topic, you’ll be hearing real stories from real people. Your host, Robert White, talks with the Founder and CEO of Costa Rica's Center, Richard Blank. Costa Rica Center is a state-of-the-art BPO telemarketing outsourcing company. CRCC's bilingual crew is capable of handling any size BPO while offering expansion or staying in contact with customers without stress or added time to hire and train telemarketers yourself. Costa Rica's Center personally trains different centers across Central America. Building a Leadership Movement I'm building a movement here for leaders, leaders who want to succeed in business, succeed with their families, have fun, and contribute toward making the world a better place. Conversations with Achievers podcast guest Richard Blank Costa Ricas Center
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