Life Decisions and Metaphors
Richard Blank 104 views 2 days ago 28 followersLife Decisions and Metaphors
responsibly in-state tuition was very inexpensive in Arizona during the nineties. And so I was not dropping a lot of dough to go to school and living in Tucson was very cheap. That was a lot of fun. Okay. And so I was being somewhat responsible and at least I was going to make myself marketable and The naysayers and the great believers are the ones that don't want you to throw up on a roller coaster. But unless you get on there and you do the loop-de-loops, you're never going to know how to live, especially if you wait and get in the first cart. That's even better. I'm willing to let two or three people pass me so I can sit in the front row. And that's drinking life. And when I look back at my young self and the sort of big boy decisions that I was making that I needed to carry the rest of my life, My intuition was speaking because I was too young to understand the experience and the value of it. I had no idea where this was going to go, but I could capture this light and this energy.
Amsterdam Talks Podcast guest Richard Blank Costa Ricas Center.