Made cheese out of yoghurt
By Samina Imran 103 views 2 months agoShow Description
Cheese made from yogurt is often referred to as yogurt cheese or labneh. It is a creamy, tangy, and versatile cheese that is simple to make at home. The process involves straining yogurt to remove its whey, resulting in a thicker, spreadable consistency. Here's a description of the process:
1. Ingredients:
Plain yogurt (whole milk yogurt works best for a richer cheese, but low-fat options can also be used).
Optional: salt or herbs for flavor.
2. Equipment:
A fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth.
A bowl to catch the whey.
A weight (optional, for faster straining).
3. Method:
Place the strainer over a bowl and line it with cheesecloth or a clean kitchen towel.
Pour the yogurt into the strainer, spreading it evenly.
Fold the edges of the cloth over the yogurt and leave it to strain in the refrigerator for 6–24 hours, depending on the desired consistency.
The longer it strains, the thicker the cheese becomes.
4. Result:
After straining, you get a thick, creamy cheese perfect for spreading, dipping, or as a base for desserts.
The whey that collects in the bowl can be saved for other uses, such as baking or smoothies.
5. Usage:
Yogurt cheese can be flavored with herbs, garlic, or spices for savory dishes or sweetened with and fruit for desserts. It’s often served with bread, crackers, or as a dip.
This process highlights the simplicity of transforming yogurt into a delicious homemade cheese.