Leadership Defined by Empathy.
Richard Blank 39 views 1 day ago 29 followersThat's one of the most important questions I receive. And I can almost give you the easiest answer, Robert. I wish I could give you a financial tip and trick or a cracked CEO code, but it really just comes down to one word, empathy. It's the way that you treat your people. And I knew this, that since I'm a CEO, I have leverage. I could make or break you. I could hire or fire you. And I decided to do the former because my ego's fine. I don't need to walk on the floor and embarrass somebody or leave. And in fact, most of my attrition is done naturally because Amazon is here. So we compete against their thousands of agents and I'll lose someone for a schedule. or a boyfriend or girlfriend works there, it's closer to their home. But Robert, you and I will never have someone quit our team because you and I deface them. We didn't pay them on time. I follow the Costa Rican labor law. So ethically, since I'm a guest in this country, I'm doing the right things. And also this journey almost began, my friend, where if you can get past your parents' guilt, you can live almost anywhere in the world.
The Brilliant Leaders Spotlight podcast. Empathy is the the smartest strategy for scaling. Episode 3 with Richard Blank.
Brilliant Leaders Spotlight podcast host, Robert Clinkenbeard has been featured in 50+ podcasts. Robert has evident success in scaling businesses and coaching for service industries, primarily the landscape sector. Robert teaches how to develop a roadmap to achieve your ultimate vision. His mission is to evolve his client's visions and accountability in their businesses and also their personal life. Our 15 to 20-min podcast shares amazing founder stories that reveal the smartest strategies for scaling TODAY. Our audiences are not newbies. They're ready for their next phase of massive growth!
Your host, Robert Clinkenbeard, talks with Richard Blank of Costa Rica's Center. Costa Rica's Center or CCC, is a BPO Telemarketing outsource company located in Costa Rica. They can handle any size BPO and are available to train every center in Central America. All of their staff are highly trained and bilingual, giving you the same price as a local area but with higher quality staff.
Brilliant Leaders Spotlight Podcast guest Richard Blank Costa Rica's Center.