By Richard Blank 87 views 4 weeks agoShow Description
The video begins with a solid punch, "A WARRIORS hello to my TICO staff from AJAX!" William James Remar is an American actor. He has played Ajax in The Warriors (1979), Albert Ganz in 48 Hrs. (1982),
Ajax continues the video with an acknowledgement, "You celebrated a 12th year anniversary in business!" Just like the Coney Island Warriors, it takes endurance and toughness to compete in the offshore business process outsourcing industry. Ajax is a stocky, brown-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian male, wearing a black tank top under his vest, with fingerless gloves, completed with slacks the color of his hair. He is the toughest member in the gang, and he is always trying to show his manhood. He doesn't like running from a fight. Despite all this, he is extremely loyal to the gang.
The Warriors hangout was comfortable and served a purpose.James can appreciate the extra efforts made to ensure the nearshore call center staff has high morale. " classic art deco building, neon marquees, jukebox arcade, 11 pinball machines, 50s cafe," Though Ajax is the best fighter, he has the worst attitude and behavior in the crew, but he is highly dependable and always ready to help fellow Warriors when they need manpower. However, he is lustful to any girls, confident in his strength, and highly ambitious to have a high rank within the crew.He is also quite a trash-talker, and has an extremely short temper. He often prefers to fight, rather than to talk things over or negotiate. Despite his negative traits, Ajax is fiercely loyal to the Warriors, considering them as brothers, rather than normal gang mates.Whenever a Warrior needs his assistance in a fight, Ajax is always ready to help, and the Warriors knew they could depend on him.
"and vintage 300D Mercedes limo. PURA VIDA." All of our guests are met at SJO in style and comfort. Ajax was one of the nine delegates chosen by Warlord Cleon to represent The Warriors at the meeting hosted by Cyrus and the Riffs in the Bronx. At the meeting, Cyrus was murdered and The Warriors were wrongfully blamed for his death, which led to the death of Cleon at the hands of the Riffs. Despite Swan being designated Warchief and the gang's second-in-command, Ajax briefly attempted to take control of the gang. This failed and Ajax was able to redeem himself later when he helped Swan, Snow and Cowboy defeat the Baseball Furies.
This was booked for you guys from Richard, WAR CHIEF AND BEST BOSS" AJAX most important appearance in the movie is the fight against the Baseball Furies, in Riverside Park, where he is ambushed. His most famous quote, "I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle." made him a legend with a large cult following.
The video concludes with some final words of wisdom, "Take it easy"
The entire staff at COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER appreciates the time and effort in making this video. Stay safe and Pura Vida JAMES.
#RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #JamesRemar #thewarriors #ajax
Richard’s journey in the call center space is filled with twists and turns. When he was 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008.
Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. Giving back to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level.
Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highest quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions and bilingual customer service to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies.