"BUBBLES, the Trailer Park Boys legend, gives a special shout out to COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER.
By Richard Blank 100 views 4 weeks agoShow Description
The personal shout out begins with our favorite Canadian sidekick that everyone loves, ""Hey, what's going on everybody? It's Bubbles here"".The shopping cart expert follows up his admiration for the company and the executives, ""This is a shout out to the staff down at COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER. It is from Richard and Grace. I assume they are the bosses"".As a native of the Sunnyvale Trailer Park in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Bubs knows how to make money. He respects hard work and acknowledgement of one's efforts, , ""But, they are giving a shout out to the staff so you must be awesome.""He follows up one compliment with another when he says, ""It's your tenth year in business, barley. And you got a cool art deco building there""Bubbles enjoys a work life balance. He notices our extra perks for an outsourcing company offshore for our employees, ""neon marquees, retro pinball machines, 50's cafe""Bubs remembers how a star should travel. He admires our mode of transportation, ""And you got a classic Mercedes limo for clients. That place sounds decent""The video takes a suprise turn when Bubbles shows his true love for the Pura Vida lifestyle, "" I have been to Costa Rica . It is one of my favorite places I have been on earth. And if I get to go back there, I am coming back to that Fu@k!ing place I tell you that right now to see Richard, Grace and the staff"". There is an open invitation and you are always welcome. You may also bring Ricky and Julian.Finally, BUBBLES ends the video by showing his true passion, ""Sounds decent. I hope you got some kitties kicking around down there""The entire staff at CCC appreciates the time and effort in making this video.
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