The Silent Death || Mossad’s Shadowy Poisonings Fact or Fiction"
By avengerrider 85 views 4 weeks agoShow Description
The Silent Death || Mossad’s Shadowy Poisonings Fact or Fiction?"
On a chilly morning in Vienna, in 2007, Dr. Elias Ben-Ami, a former Israeli intelligence officer turned academic, was found slumped over his desk, his coffee cup shattered on the floor. His death was declared a heart attack, yet there were whispers whispers of something far more sinister.
His research revolved around chemical and biological warfare, specifically covert poisoning methods. Those who knew him claimed he had been paranoid in his final months, speaking of "the ghosts of his past" coming for him. But was this just paranoia, or was Mossad tying up loose ends?