Father Time reminds COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER to live each moment as if it were your last
By Richard Blank 137 views 2 hours agoShow Description
The once in a lifetime video begins in a mystical way, "Greetings. It is I, Father Time." Even a Central American nearshore BPO company gets a special visit. Father Time is a personification of time. The ancient Greeks themselves began to associate chronos, their word for time, with the agricultural god Cronos, who had the attribute of a harvester's sickle. The wings and hourglass were early Renaissance additions and he eventually became a companion of the Grim Reaper, personification of Death, often taking his scythe. He may have as an attribute a snake with its tail in its mouth, an ancient Egyptian symbol of eternity.
The surreal experience was spot on with the long white beard, dark robe, hour glass and the spooky outside at night image, "And I want to give a great shout out tonight to all of my friends on staff at COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER." Around New Year's Eve, the media use Father Time as the personification of the previous year (or "the Old Year") who typically "hands over" the duties of time to the equally allegorical Baby New Year (or "the New Year") or who otherwise characterizes the preceding year. In these depictions, Father Time is usually depicted wearing a sash with the old year's date on it.
When Father time acknowledges an outsourcing industry long shot, it really counts, He says, "And congratulate you as you celebrate your 12th year in business. 12th anniversary. What a wonderful milestone." Father Time represents time's constant one-way movement, and more generally and abstractly, entropy. The Romans equated Cronos with Saturn, who also had a sickle, and was treated as an old man, often with a crutch.
"I love your classic art deco building, your neon marquees, jukebox arcade, 11 pinball machines, your 50's cafe,"The best way to enjoy your moments on earth is to have fun. Our gamification call centre culture is the best in the offshore BPO industry for employee morale. Time (in his allegorical form) is often depicted revealing or unveiling the allegorical Truth, sometimes at the expense of a personification of Falsehood, Fraud, or Envy. This theme is related to the idea of veritas filia temporis (Time is the father of Truth).
The video winds down with a final compliment, "And your 84' 300D Mercedes Limousine. Pura Vida. "Traveling in style and comfort makes time fly. Our clients are met at COSTA RICA SJO airport with the classic lang. In recent centuries he is usually depicted as an elderly bearded man, sometimes with wings, dressed in a robe and carrying a scythe and an hourglass or other timekeeping device.
The entire staff at COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER appreciates the time and effort in making this video. Pura Vida Father Time.