Traditional stone grinding mill

By Mira R.C. 30 views 4 weeks ago
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This short video showcases a traditional stone grinding mill, also known as a millstone, is a device used for grinding grains, such as wheat, corn, or other seeds, into flour. These mills have been used for centuries in various cultures around the world. The process involves the use of two large, circular stones – one fixed and the other rotating – to crush the grains into a fine powder. The typical design consists of: 1. A bottom stone (bedstone): This is stationary and has a slightly rough surface that holds the grain as it is ground. 2. A top stone (runner stone): This is movable and rotates over the bottom stone. The top stone has a circular groove, which helps direct the grain into the grinding zone. The grinding process involves the grain being poured into the central hole, where the stones crush it as the top stone rotates over the bottom stone. The final product, flour, is collected from the outer edges of the stones. Traditional stone mills are valued for producing flour with a distinct texture and flavor. In modern times, stone mills have been largely replaced by more advanced technology, but some people still prefer traditional stone-ground flour for its taste and nutritional qualities.
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