Software Engineer

By Richard Blank 57 views 23 hours ago
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Software Engineer Cameo, Prescott Rynewicz, codes a personal message for Costa Rica's Call Center "What up Costa Rica's Call Center" is how this lively video presentation introduces itself. "I would call you guys just to talk. I do not have international phone calls.Costs money. I do not want to pay for that you know." Unfortunately, Prescott does not have our toll free number at that moment. He may use it anytime to touch base and it would be a pleasure to pay for his call. Cameo, just like CCC, has a stellar reputation and the projection of future growth. He states, "I have heard from other people. You guys are dope!" Water seeks it's own level. A positive work environment can make or break an organization. Prescott follows up with another compliment regarding our classy style, "You guys got a sweet art deco building and neon marquees that I bet say some pretty cool stuff" "A retro arcade that's got like probably pinball and other things. OH! You got pinball machines! Heck Yeah!" Prescott knows how important gamification can be to a company and strongly encourages play between working shifts on the phone. Naturally, his brilliant mind needs to feed itself to continue to create. Prescott finds the time to mention our 1950's cafe as well. Since client's comfort can be essential when building rapport, Prescott realizes that going from a to b makes all of the difference when traveling with class, "I don't know, probably like a sweet Mercedes limo for guests." The shout out winds down with a final conclusion about CCC," I don't know what you got? I know you guys are freakin' sweet though" Finally, Prescott ends the video with a cool sign off, "swag out dude. zzzzz" #RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #Leadgeneration #Appointmentsetting #Cameo
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