By Sajawalimran 100 views 2 weeks agoShow Description
#The phrase you've shared appears to be a mix of Punjabi and informal Romanized text. Here's a breakdown and possible interpretation:
### Translation/Explanation:
- **"Wo kud"** → "He/She jumped" (ਕੁੱਦ / کُدّ).
- **"dariya gea"** → "went into the river" (ਦਰਿਆ ਗਿਆ / دریا گیا).
- **"pechey kea howa"** → "what happened afterward/behind?" (ਪਿੱਛੇ ਕੀ ਹੋਇਆ? / پیچھے کیا ہوا؟).
**Full meaning:**
"Why did he/she jump into the river? What happened afterward?"
### Context (based on the hashtag #THIS.IS.FUNNY.CLIPS):
This might refer to a funny video clip where someone jumps into a river (possibly as a prank or dare), and the user is asking for an explanation of the situation or the outcome.
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