Sly cats, donkeys forced to work—revenge begins to burn!
By Lan38 142 views 2 weeks agoShow Description
An orange cat known for its cunning nature has bullied a donkey to work in the rice and vegetable garden. Every day, the donkey had to break bones under the scorching sun while the cat just watched and relaxed under the shade of the tree. The donkey, who is really patient, at first just obeyed the cat's instructions. However, over time, he began to feel dissatisfied. Every evening, they would drink together, like best friends. However, in the heart, the donkey holds a grudge. "Why am I the one who works hard, while he just relaxes?" he thought. One day, the donkey got an idea—if the cat could use him at will, maybe he could too. With a sly smile, he whispered to himself, "I'm going to roast this cat!" With his plan well laid out, the donkey waited for the right moment to catch the orange cat. But is the donkey really willing to roast the cat? Or will the cat once again use his intelligence to save himself? One thing is certain—their friendship is now on the brink of an unexpected conflict.