The Joy of Learning Spanish Through Cultural Experiences

By Richard Blank 69 views 3 days ago
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Well, here's the thing. When I was growing up, we took vacations to Mexico. So besides enjoying myself in the sun, I came back with vocabulary and it wasn't a parlor trick. Anytime I met somebody that was bilingual and I used my limited grammar and vocabulary, they were so excited. And so I saw this was neat and it was cool. Three languages were offered at Abington High School with Spanish, German, and French. I took Spanish because of the Puerto Rican and Cuban population. That was in Philadelphia. Plus all the world were staged. I had a chance to be able to use this outside of the office. But here's the thing. A lot of words since I studied Latin, you could almost dissect the word. And also the word hotel is the same as Spanish. So I started out with one word. Here we go. It's almost like the Brady Bunch when they put the nickel in the piggy bank. And so you got to start... Maybe somewhere. So I started with the easy words and I realized I could do this. I just needed the bridge of grammar. And so it's really about sitting down and studying intermediate grammar for six months. And then the rest is vocab. Re:sume Well podcast created by Courtney Page. Flipping the Script on Call Center Work with Richard Blank Re:sume Well is your essential guide to thriving in both your career and personal life, featuring deep-dive conversations with industry leaders who share battle-tested strategies for sustainable success. Each episode delivers actionable insights on everything from mindful productivity and stress management to work-life integration and corporate wellness initiatives, helping you build a career and life that energizes rather than depletes. Whether you're a seasoned executive, entrepreneur, or early in your professional journey, join us to discover how to work well, live well, and Re:sume Well. Born out of a love for careers, performance, and wellness- Re:sume started as a podcast that focused on career happiness, interviewing professionals who were successful and happy. After nearly a year consistently climbing the charts, we listened to our audience and have taken a turn to focus on careers and concepts at the intersection of wellness, the woo, and work. Join Courtney every week where she disseminates wellness woo culture for the curious careerist. Episode 19. Flipping the Script on Call Center Work with Richard Blank When you think of call centers, you’re probably thinking of telemarketers and scammers, or maybe even thinking back to a time you had to call a customer service line and hung up the phone feeling frustrated. Wouldn’t it be nice if that story was different and you left those interactions with a smile on your face, feeling cared for and heard? Richard Blank is training his employees to be those call center workers — and they’re even doing it in two languages. In this episode, Richard and I are chatting about his love for the Spanish language growing up, how that led him down to Costa Rica, and how that eventually sparked his CEO journey owning a call center. Richard is such a kind, open soul, so it’s no wonder he brings that light to his employees and everyone around him. It’s a refreshing departure from what we normally expect out of call center experiences, and for that, we can thank Richard for humanizing a statistically dehumanized industry. Richard Blank hired bassist Garry Gary Beers of INXS. Resume Well, Courtney Page, Richard Blank, Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center,trend, trending
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