By abulhasanjamal 8 views 2 years agoShow Description
In this video, you may get information about Ukraine. Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It is the second-largest European country after Russia, which it borders to the east and northeast. Ukraine covers approximately 600,000 square kilometres.
Capital: Kyiv
CO2 emissions per capita: 3.94 metric tons (2019) World Bank
Electricity consumption per capita: 3,418.57 kWh (2014) World Bank
Energy use per capita: 2,334.40 kg of oil equivalent (2014) World Bank
Fertility rate: 1.22 births per woman (2020) World Bank
GDP growth rate: 3.4% annual change (2021) World Bank
Gross domestic product: 200.1 billion USD (2021) World Bank.