How the earoplane fly
By NoorAhmad456 4 views 2 years agoShow Description
Aeroplanes: How They Fly
Description for how do the aeroplane fly
Aeroplanes fly by using the principle of lift, which opposes the weight of the aircraft. This lift is generated by the wings, which are shaped to create a difference in air pressure above and below them. As the airplane moves forward, air flows over and under the wings. The shape of the wing forces the air moving over the wing to move faster, which reduces the pressure above the wing. At the same time, the air moving under the wing is forced to move more slowly, which increases the pressure below the wing. This difference in pressure generates lift, which allows the airplane to fly. Additionally, thrust is generated by the airplane's engines to move the airplane forward and maintain its speed, while drag opposes the thrust and slows the airplane down. The pilot uses the airplane's control surfaces, such as the flaps and rudder, to change the shape of the wing and control the direction of flight.