Life Story Of Hazrat Shoaib (A.S)
By FPByMHK 0 views 1 year agoShow Description
Hazrat Shoaib As Story in Urdu | Life of Prophet Shoaib A.S | Qasas ul anbiya
Hazrat Shoaib (A.S) is a prophet of , mentioned in the Quran. He is also considered a prophet in Christianity and Judaism. According to tradition, he was sent as a prophet to the people of Madyan, an ancient Arab tribe, and he called on them to worship God alone and to give up their idolatrous ways, and to be fair in their dealings with others. He also warned them of a punishment if they do not listen to him. He is known for his wisdom, integrity and for his emphasis on social justice. Hazrat Shoaib (A.S) is considered as one of the minor prophet but his teachings and his message is still relevant today.